27 April 2017 2400

CSR Mass Circumcision and Distribution of Affordable Food Packages

Jakarta, April 27, 2017. PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero), known as Indonesia Re, carried out social services for the community nearby the office location on Talang Street RW 03 Pegangsaan Village, Central Jakarta. This time, the social activity held mass circumcision activities and distributed affordable food packages for the community.

The event which took place from 8 o’clock in the morning was attended by 31 children who participated in the circumcision. In his remarks, the Director of Finance of Indonesia Re, Eko Supriyanto Hadi, expressed his gratitude to the sub-district and village heads who have given Indonesia Re the opportunity to carry out CSR in that place. Furthermore, Eko said that this event was the first event held by Indonesia Re and hoped to do it again in next year. A sya'roni, Managing Director of ReINDO Syariah, also made a speech at the event.



At this occasion, Suprayogi, head of Pegangsaan Urban Village, expressed his gratitude to Indonesia Re representing the community and hoped that this program can ease the burden on society and provide goodness for the community. They also prayed for the prosperity of Indonesia Re in the future. A similar statement was also conveyed by Aminudin on behalf of the subdistrict head who was unable to attend

The distribution of  basic necessities were handed out by buying coupons for IDR 20,000 for a package worth of IDR 200,000. The money collected from the sales were returned to the community in the form of a donation given to the local worship house management.

Three hundred basic food packages were distributed at the event, which was held with the concept of this entertainment which and enlivened by magic games by Mr Upee and music entertainment from the Marawis group. The committee also distributed prizes to participants and viewers who could answer questions raised by the MC.

The event ran full of enthusiasm and ended at 12 noon.