07 December 2020 4081

Indonesia Re, donates computers to support school digitization.




Corporate Secretary Indonesia Re, Mardian Adhitya (center) is assisting one student in operating computer donated by Indonesia Re
Jakarta (ANTARA) -- As a way to support the government in realizing school digitization program in 2021, state-owned corporation, Indonesia Re, provides support for educational facilities improvement to two Vocational High Schools in Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat, last Sunday.
Corporate Secretary Indonesia Re, Mardian Adhitya stated that Indonesia Re supplied 20 units of computers, 2 mini servers and internet network installation to support educational facilities in SMK Humanika 2 and SMK Bina Nusantara in Cisarua, Bogor.

“Each school receives 10 units of computer, one 2-tera mini server and free internet for 6 months,” explained Mardian during the donation ceremony.

The computers and internet installation support is not only to assist the government’s 2021 school digitization program, it is also to endorse the distance-learning happening due the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We are committed to continuously providing educational aids, as a way to produce eminent, smart and  high competitive human resources,” Mardian stated.

Meanwhile, School Principal of SMA Humanika 2, Imas said that the donation will be very beneficial in the teaching and learning process, and will reduce the long queue of computer usage during national exams (UNBK).
“This support will definitely boost our students’ enthusiasm and motivation to learn and perform better in the future,” Imas concluded.