26 August 2019 1842

Indonesia Re, educated Gorontalo students of BUMN (State-Owned Corporation) functions


Gorontalo (ANTARA) - Indonesia Re, reinsurance state-owned enterprise (BUMN), educated students in SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo about the role and responsibility of BUMN.

Imam Bustomi, Finance and HR Director of Indonesia Re, explained on Monday that the “Indonesia Re Mengajar” program provides information about how BUMN plays a role as one of Indonesian development agents.

“Many Indonesians are not aware that there are a large number of BUMN around them, even some of them are using BUMN services but are not aware that it is BUMN,” he said.

Therefore, Indonesia Re invited the students to understand that BUMN serves its best for the development of our country.

Years before helding the program in Gorontalo, Indonesia Re Mengajar has been conducted in Mamuju Regency in 2016, Kendari in 2017, Ambon in 2017, Yogyakarta in 2018, and Cepu Regency in Central Java in 2019.

Meanwhile, Hamka Manopo, the Representative of Education, Youth, and Sport Office (Dikbudpora), expressed his gratitude for the Indonesia Re Mengajar Program.

“This positive activity encourages our students to broaden their knowledge and understanding about BUMN, as well as be a part of developing a better Indonesia,” he said.

Yolanda Pateda, Vice Principal of SMAN 2 Gorontalo, mentioned that the 300 students participating in the activity were eager to know how BUMN plays its roles in Indonesia.

“The students showed their enthusiasm in responding to Indonesia Re’s questions to show their understanding of the topics learned,” she added.

The students’ understanding about the responsibilities and functions of BUMN will hopefully be applied by utilizing BUMN services in the future.