26 December 2018 1883

Indonesia Re prepares its employees for the era of disruption

Jakarta (Antaranews) - The era of disruption is slowly creeping into all aspects of human life, including the corporate sector, which is one of the most affected. All stakeholders are required to adapt if they do not want to be eliminated from the competition and growth in the industry.
This is highly recognized by Indonesia Re. Appointed by the government as the National Reinsurance Company (PRN), of course the company is carrying out a difficult task, namely to support national economic growth by reducing the reinsurance balance deficit caused by the large number of reinsurance premiums that run abroad.
Welcoming 2019, Indonesia Re held an employee capacity building event in the form of a Half Day Seminar, which presented the famous motivator Andrie Wongso.
"Do not let us become humans who are insensitive, unable to adapt to changing times," Andrie opened in his presentation. As an example, there are so many changes that ultimately disrupt and change the direction of human consumption patterns around the world. Some of them are lighters that erode the use of matches, calculators that make people forget about abacus, to the presence of online application-based transportation services that get rid of conventional modes of transportation.
"Don't blame those who take the business. This happens because people are very quick to adjust to new ideas and changes in the world," said the owner of the jargon, Success Is My Right.
In line with Andrie, Eko Supriyanto Hadi, Indonesia Re Finance Director, analogized that a great woodcutter must regularly sharpen his axe in order to be able to cut trees sustainably. Likewise with employees, who must be willing to continue to learn and improve their abilities in order to face a disruptive era that is full of challenges.
"We have to work smarter, not work harder, and be ready to face changes," he continued.
Eko added that this event was designed to increase the motivation of all employees of Indonesia Re in facing the disruptive era in the form of an increasingly evolving market, so that there will be a variety of new challenges that are ready to face.
"The market has been very dynamic in the past 1-2 years. We estimate that the market next year  will be even more challenging. For this reason, this event is expected to give more enthusiasm so that employees will be mentally prepared," added Eko.
HR Development According to ITMS
On the same occasion, Human Capital & Corporate Support Division Head Indonesia Re, Endang Wulandari, revealed that his party continues to hone the skills of its employees according to the Integrated Talent Management Systems (ITMS) guidelines set by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, where Indonesia Re is pioneering the development of talent at the level of division head ( BOD minus 1).
"In accordance with the Ministry's provisions, we continue to strive to increase our contribution to the SOE Talent Pool," he said.
On a side note, ITMS is a system for preparing the best talents in each SOE who will later be plotted to become future leaders. ITMS is designed to ensure the availability and readiness of talent to fill various leadership positions to support the sustainable growth of SOE.
To further increase the involvement of the younger generation in the company's leadership structure, his party is committed to continuing to build talent up to BOD minus 2, Endang continued.
"As a state-owned company, all talents who work for us are basically not ours. And it is an honor for us if any of our employees are eventually appointed by the Ministry to fill leadership positions in other SOEs," said Endang.