17 January 2017 4534

Indonesia Re - PGAI Match Play 2017

Jakarta, January 17 2017. PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) in collaboration with the Indonesian Insurance Golf Association, held a golf competition entitled Indonesia Re - PGAI Match play 2017. This event was participated by 32 of the best players from PGAI who had passed the previous selection. The match which uses the knockout system will run until February 21, 2017.

This golf competition confirms the commitment of Indonesia Re to continue to support the activities carried out by PGAI as stated in the Memorandum Of Understanding No: 00137/RU.01.01/00/ReINDO/04/2016 between ReINDO (former name of Indonesia Re) and PGAI which was signed on March 15, 2016.

Presenting a speech at the event, Novis Asria as Corporate Secretary of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) representing the board of directors, opened the Indonesia Re-PGAI Match play 2017 event by handing over the rotating trophy to PGAI Chairman, Muhdi Rahman Hasibuan, and marked the start of this match. In accordance with the schedule this event will last until February 21, 2017.
The smoke ball hit was carried out by Amos Napitupulu, chairman of the ReINDO Institute at the Jakarta Golf Club Rawamangun.