07 June 2017 2091

Indonesia Re Wins Best Re Insurance 2017 Award

Jakarta – Indonesia Re won the Best Re Insurance 2017 award at the Insurance Award 2017 held by Media Asuransi at the Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta, Wednesday (7/6).
Indonesia Re won the best among other nominees such as Indonesian Reinsurance Airlines, Maipark Indonesia Reinsurance, Indonesian National Reinsurance, and Indonesian Reinsurance Tugu.

After receiving the award, Division Head Life Reinsurance Underwriting & CEM Division, Radix Yunanto, said the recently received award did not necessarily make the company complacent. "However, we will continue to provide the best for the advancement of the insurance industry in Indonesia," he said last night.

He expresses, the company will never stop creating innovations and breakthroughs in new products and reinsurance solutions to support the company's business development. "Of course we hope that our enthusiasm for work will continue to increase and produce innovative products that excel in society," he said.

On the same occasion, Head of Corporate Secretary Indonesia Re, Novis Asria, said that his party welcomed the award because it could improve the quality of players in the insurance industry.

"We will also provide better services in terms of both the business aspect and the resulting product innovation," he said.

Chief Executive of the Non-Bank Financial Industry Supervisor (IKNB) of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Firdaus Djaelani, said awards in the insurance sector are very important in order to increase appreciation for the achievements of players in the insurance sector. "I think we need to give appreciation to those who have achieved various achievements in various fields," he said.

However, Firdaus added, insurance industry players must have the courage to penetrate new markets. The various potentials of the existing community are expected, such as in the MSME, coastal and fishermen sectors. "The actors must expand their market to various sectors of society so that the benefits of insurance can be widely felt," he said.
Indonesian Senior Executive Association (ISEA)
Novis continued, Indonesia Re is committed to maintaining quality in managing reinsurance, especially for the executive management level. "This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to advance his career to become a top executive who can join the Indonesian Senior Executive Association (ISEA)," he said.

ISEA itself is an association of senior executive management with 71 members. They are generally individuals who have full dedication, commitment and have been tested in advancing the insurance industry in general.

Challenges forward, insurance players must continue to develop in the areas of Human Resources (HR), IT systems, actuarial, and risk management. With a focus on development in these four sectors, insurance players will grow increasingly competitive in the market.

Media Asuransi awarded the Insurance Award 2017 to the 33 best insurance companies based on their 2016 financial performance. They consist of 12 life insurance companies, 15 general insurance companies, three reinsurance companies, and three sharia insurance companies.

The jury in this award consisted of famous insurance figures such as Harry Purwanto, Hendrisman Rahim, Yasril K Rasyid, Budi Setyarso, Budi S. Maharesi, Darwin Noor, Edison Idrus, and Taufik Marjunaidi.