05 June 2017 1927

Documentary film Pancasila was Greeted Enthusiastically by Employees of Indonesia Re

Jakarta – Friday (2/6). All employees crowded in a small hall where the documentary film Pancasila was held. They are eager to see how Pancasila was actually born by the founding fathers of this nation.

The enthusiastic welcome was felt by all employees who attended the small hall, including the Head of Corporate Secretary of PT Indonesia Re (Persero), Novis Asria. He did not expect that there were so many employees who came and filled the hall.

"It was very surprising to see them. Even though we only prepared for two days," he said Friday (2/6) in Jakarta.

The preparations that were felt to be short-lived finally paid off with the arrival of all employees, the majority of whom were carrying out the Ramadan worship. "Even during the screening, everyone seemed to enjoy the documentary," he said.

The 30-minute documentary film is related to the history of Pancasila, President Soekarno's speech about Pancasila, to the BPUPKI document on Pancasila. The film played for 30 minutes and during the film, all employees really enjoyed it.

"Their national insight will be refreshed again and hopefully this can have a good effect when they return to work in their respective divisions," he said.

The event was attended by all Indonesian Re employees who are based in the Salemba area, Central Jakarta, including the Indonesia Re Finance Director, Eko Supriyanto Hadi.