01 December 2016 3015

Tumpeng Ceremony for Indonesia Re's 31st Anniversary

Jakarta, 30 November 2016 Indonesia Re turns 31 years old. An age that is mature enough to continue to make achievements for the advancement of the nation. One of the goals and aspirations of Indonesia Re in the next 4 years is to become the largest in Southeast Asia. This is a historical requirement that we must carry out. Those are the remarks by the President Director of Indonesia Re, Frans Y Sahusilawane, at the tumpeng ceremony of Indonesia Re’s 21st anniversary.

This humble event was held at the office of Indonesia Re at Salemba Raya Street No 30. Thirty invitees from its subsidiaries Asuransi Asei Indonesia and Indonesian Sharia Reinsurance attended the ceremony. Also giving remarks at this event, President Commissioner of Indonesia Re, Ali Masykur Musa.

The cutting of the tumpeng was carried out by the President Director of Indonesia Re and the President Commissioner of Indonesia Re, each of which was given to the Director of the Indonesian Sharia Reinsurance Subsidiary, Syafrizal, Riduan Simanjuntak PLT, the President Director of Asuransi Asei Indonesia (AAI) and Indonesian Re employees who served the longest tenure of Valentina. The event was closed with a prayer and a meal together accompanied by Indonesia Re Band.