05 June 2017 1544

Celebrating the Birth of Pancasila, Indonesia Re Holds a Pancasila Week

Jakarta - Commemorating the birthday of Pancasila, a state-owned company engaged in insurance, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Indonesia Re) Persero, is holding a series of Pancasila Week activities held at the Indonesia Re office, in Salemba area, Central Jakarta.

The Pancasila Week activities began with holding a flag ceremony to commemorate Pancasila's birthday on Thursday (1/6) yesterday. Then the following day, Friday (2/6) a movie with the theme of Pancasila was held in a small hall which was attended by all employees of the BUMN.

Indonesia Re also held a 6000-word essay writing competition with the theme "Pancasila as My National Life Philosophy" with participants from all employees. Apart from the essay writing competition, they also held a video competition to sing the Garuda Pancasila song.

Head of Corporate Secretary PT Indonesia Re, Novis Asria, said the Pancasila Week activities were held to celebrate the birthday of Pancasila. "As a SOE, we are certainly very responsive to activities like this, especially when this is held in all SOEs in accordance with a circular from the Ministry of SOE," he said, Friday (2/6) in Jakarta.

According to Novis, this activity is very good for refreshing the memory of the younger generation, so that they still have the nation's philosophy of life in accordance with the values ??of Pancasila. "That way they can again encourage them to continue to work with enthusiasm in accordance with their respective fields," he said.