04 December 2018 1588

Welcoming its 33rd Anniversary, Indonesia Re is Ready to Increase its Contribution to the Nation

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - In commemoration of the 33rd anniversary which falls on November 30, 2018, the reinsurance state-owned company, Indonesia Re, is committed to continuing to increase its contribution to the nation, especially through the reinsurance sector.
The chairman of the committee for the 33rd Indonesian Independence Day Celebration, Freddy Aries Setiawan, with the jargon 'Show Your Resilience Spirit', determined to continue to form strong and reliable human resources to increase the company's contribution to the country and help realize the vision of becoming a Giant Re in 2020.
Indonesia Re is a state-owned company resulting from a merger between two reinsurance SOEs, namely PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia (ReINDO) and PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) (Indonesia Re). The government, through the Ministry of SOE, decided to merge the two reinsurance companies to strengthen domestic reinsurance capabilities. This is because before the merger of these two, the reinsurance premiums that fled abroad were so large and out of control that they left a reinsurance transaction deficit of IDR 13 trillion in 2013.
"It has to be resilient. Due to the competition in this industry, both domestically and internationally, it will get tougher," he said when met at Indonesia Re office, Friday (30/11).
After Indonesia Re was established in June 2016, and supported by the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/POJK.05/2015 concerning Self-Retention and Domestic Reinsurance Support, the deficit of reinsurance transactions abroad was significantly reduced to IDR 8.8 trillion at the end of 2017 .
Freddy continued, welcoming its 33rd anniversary, this state-owned company held an Employee Gathering in Batam on Friday (30/11), in order to refresh and strengthen relations between employees and management as well as the highlight of the 33rd Anniversary celebration.
 "Thus, it will make cooperation between employees better, which automatically gives an impact to the company's performance in the future," he concluded.