29 August 2019 1760

Improving insurance data processing, BPPDAN introduces the B2B application



BPPDAN Head, Arie Surya Nugraha (right) handed over a placard to AAUI Executive Director, Dody AS Dalimunthe Jakarta

(ANTARA) -- The National Insurance Data Management Agency (BPPDAN) officially launched a business to business (B2B) application as an effort to improve the management and processing of national property insurance data in order to realize a more accurate and optimal premium rate calculation.

Head of BPPDAN, Arie Surya Nugraha, said that his party took the initiative to present a B2B application to minimize errors or data shortages that were confirmed by BPPDAN members, so that in the end they could improve the calculation of property insurance premium rates.

“With the B2B application, BPPDAN is no longer concerned with the complicated verification and data cleaning process, but we will be able to focus on adding value to members by making analyzes and reports that are more comprehensive and faster, "said Arie at the 2019 BPPDAN Workshop 'Socialization of Applications. B2B 'which was held at the head office of Indonesia Re, Tuesday (27/8).

Previously, the data input process that was approved by BPPDAN members was performed manually. In fact, this method made the verification and data cleaning process very complicated because the data submitted to BPPDAN was incomplete. This caused the BPPDAN to clean up the data by verifying it directly to the members, which of course took a lot of time and energy.
Therefore, Arie continued, by introducing the B2B applications to the members, it is hoped that it can not only streamline performance and work flow but also improve the accuracy of calculating insurance premiums. The data quality is very essential in increasing self-confidence in decision making.

“Not only that, we are also targeting faster report making, from semester to every term," he added.

Apart from introducing the B2B application, BPPDAN has also developed a method for calculating the premium rate by introducing a stochastic methodology.