13 July 2020 1043

BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri - SMN Central Kalimantan learn to make batik and play the gamelan

Yogyakarta, (Antaranews Jogja) - As many as 23 outstanding students who participated in Siswa Mengenal Nusantara from Central Kalimantan learned the skills of making batik and playing traditional gamelan instruments at Brayut Tourism Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.
Head of Brayut Tourism Village, Darmadi, said that written batik and gamelan are representations of Javanese culture which are very important to be learned by SMN participants from Central Kalimantan to increasingly love Indonesia’s culture.
According to Darmadi, in batik skills training, they are provided with basic knowledge starting from the introduction of batik tools and materials, drawing patterns, heating candles or wax, to casting. Because only as basic knowledge, the process of dyeing, casting wax, and knishing were continued by each batik mentor.
"Even though we drew the patterns, there were one or two students who showed talent by improvising patterns according to their imaginations. If they can learn one more month here then the results will be even better," he said.
Apart from batik, the students participating in the SMN 2018 also seemed enthusiastic about practicing the gamelan instruments. With musical instruments consisting of the xylophone, kenong, drum, and gong, Central Kalimantan students were trained to perform the Sluku-Sluku Batok musical according to the notation written on the board.
"We prepare a notation on the board. They just need to tap according to the note. If the tapping is correct, the barrel will appear. In general, they enjoyed it and had no trouble," said Darmadi.
According to Darmadi, batik and gamelan are archipelago cultures that are noble, so the process of making and practicing them must be thoroughly absorbed by the students. "It is the duty of SMN students to help preserve it," he said.
Siswa Mengenal Nusantara (SMN) is part of the “BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri” program which aims to instill a sense of pride and love for the country from an early age to SMA /SMK /SLB students.
In Yogyakarta, SMN was held by PT Angkasa Pura (AP) I as the person in charge with three other BUMNs, namely PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Indonesia Re, and PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia.
SMN participants from Central Kalimantan arrived in Yogyakarta on Saturday (11/8). They will be in Yogyakarta for a week to learn about various cultural potentials in Yogyakarta.