Bekasi (PR Wire) – The many people living in unfit for habitation to encourage the Islamic Spiritual Development Agency (Babin Rohis) Indonesia Re to hold a house renovation program. The house renovation program was carried out at a house owned by Triyanto Adhe, a motorcycle taxi driver, in Rawalumbu District, Bekasi, West Java.
Apart from the very poor condition of the house, Adhe's house is below the road surface so it always floods when it rains. In fact, in the rainy season, water can reach 100 cm or up to an adult's stomach. Often flooded, inevitably the house tiles are damaged and almost the entire room is damp and mossy.
"My house is always flooded every time it rains. The water reaches an adult's stomach," said Adhe, describing the condition of his house when it was flooded. "We can only make barricades in the form of sandbags to reduce the swiftness of the incoming water, but it's useless because our house is indeed below the road surface."
Chairman of Babin Rohis Indonesia Re, Faizul Awal, says this house renovation program is a form of Babin Rohis Indonesia Re's concern for people who experience economic limitations.
"This is a form of our gratitude to God foe what He has given to Indonesia Re for one full year. We hope this assistance can improve the quality of Mr. Adhe’s life," Awal said at the key-handover ceremony in Bekasi, (15/3).
Awal then explained that the total cost for the house renovation program reached Rp89 million, which came from zakat deductions for more than 100 Indonesian Re employees during 2017. The zakat was channelled through the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) to then be donated to mustahik.
"We hope that this program can be held regularly every year, and can benefit more people," he concluded.