13 July 2020 1286

Indonesia Re perform a selection for SMN in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta (Antara News) - State-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, together with AP1, Garuda Indonesia, and Kliring Berjangka Indonesia held a selection activity for Siswa Mengenal Nusantara (SMN) in Yogyakarta.
A total of 40 students from a number of SMA and SMK in Yogyakarta were selected to become 20 students, as well as an additional three students with special needs from the Special School (SLB) in Yogyakarta.
Corporate Secretary Indonesian Re, Novis Asria, said that SMN activities were part of the  2018 “BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri” program in Yogyakarta.
"As the name implies, SMN is expected to be able to help SMN participants to increase their love for the country by getting to know the culture of the archipelago," he said.
20 SMN participants who pass the selection will later visit Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan on August 12-19 2018. They will learn about the richness of arts and culture in the area.
On the same occasion, Angkasa Pura 1 CSR EnvironmentSenior Manager, Lilis Sri Minarni, added that the program plays an important role in fostering a sense of patriotism for the younger generation.
"Their love for their homeland will increase after knowing how diverse the cultural richness in Indonesia is," concluded Lilis.