13 July 2020 1519

Indonesia Re Mengajar (Indonesia Re Teaches) visit SMA Negeri I Karangmojo Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta 


Through this activity, the Director of Development, Risk Management and Compliance, Adi Pramana, delivered material about insurance and reinsurance as well as career prospects in the Insurance Industry. Then activity proceeded with the success story shared by the Director of Finance and Human Resources, Eko Supriyanto Hadi.
 On this occasion, Indonesia Re also handed educational facilities in the form of 10 computers, 1 LCD projector, 1 data center server unit and 1 internet network package, which was symbolically received by Siti Zamrotul A., principal of SMA Negeri 1 Karangmojo. The purpose of providing this assistance is in order to support the Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK) program. This assistance is also a form of the PKBL & CSR Indonesia Re program to provide assistance in the field of education.