13 July 2020 1749

Indonesia Re repairing the Kepulauan Seribu marine ecosystem

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - As a form of concern for efforts to conserve nature and the environment, state-owned reinsurance company Indonesia Re has implemented a marine ecosystem improvement program on Pramuka Island and Panggang Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta.
Indonesia's Corporate Secretary Re, Novis Asria explained that in this program there were several activities. Among them are planting mangroves, transplanting coral reefs, providing grouper seedlings, and making environmental videos. This activity is part of the 'BUMN Present Untuk Negeri' program launched by the Ministry of BUMN.
"As well as a form of our concern for the environment. Hopefully, this program can be useful for the local community, especially in economic empowerment," said Novis after the symbolic handover ceremony held on Pramuka Island, Saturday.
At the same place, Group Head of PKBL & CSR Indonesia Re, Freddy Aries Setiawan said that the assistance provided by his party included around 900 coral reefs, 1500 grouper seedlings, and five thousand mangroves. In this activity, Indonesia Re collaborated with the Kepulauan Seribu National Park Office.
He then explained the reason his party chose mangrove plants is because apart from being a place for fish spawning, there is also a source of abundant food for fish. Furthermore, they also choose coral reefs so that the improvement of the marine ecosystem is getting better.
"With the existence of coral reefs, it will automatically attract fish. Then why do we provide grouper cantang? Because of that the economic value is good, and the habitat of the grouper is also on coral reefs," said Freddy.
He further said that this program is a continuation of the 2017 Indonesia Re Caring for the Environment project, which was carried out in Kelapa Dua Island, Thousand Islands. Because they want to have a sustainable program, they are back to implementing it this year by cooperating with a third party who will evaluate and provide reports every three months, for the next year.
"Later at the end of the period, we can get KPI (Key Performance Indicator). So we can find out how many live coral reefs are. Likewise with mangroves. Then the success of giving fish seeds is how much live fish are," he said.
Sumber : Antara
(Telah dimuat di kolom Berita website Indonesia Re pada tanggal 29 Januari 2019)