12 April 2017 3072

Distribution of Indonesia Re Partnership Program in Yogyakarta with 4 Business Groups in 2016

Yogyakarta, December 31, 2016. Indonesia Re through the Partnership Program (PK) channelled funds to 4 business groups in Yogyakarta in collaboration with PT Gelar Mapan Sejahtera. The series of events began with the reading and signing of the agreement for the distribution of funds for the Partnership Program and binding of certificate rights with the 4 business groups, including a catfish farming in Boyolali (Central Java), goat farm in Yogyakarta, jeep rental in Kaliurang, and nila farm in Yogyakarta.
The distribution of funds and the signing of the agreement was witnessed directly by Notary & PPAT Fransisca Endang Sri Jaminah, SH.