
Three BUMNs have collaborated in handling civil law with the Attorney General's Office

Jakarta (ANTARA News) -- Junior Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (JAM DATUN) The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Loeke Larasati Agoestina signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with three State-Owned Enterprises regarding cooperation on the effectiveness of handling legal problems in the civil and state administration sector.

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16 Jan 2019


Natural Disaster Contributes Reinsurance Claims for Indonesia Reinsurance Rp. 284 Billion During 2018

Jakarta (ANTARA News) -- BUMN reinsurance, Indonesia Re, recorded the total general reinsurance claims received by this state-owned company due to the many natural disasters that befell Indonesia during 2018 reached more than IDR 284 billion based on data received until December 2018. The number of claims came from the Lombok earthquake with a total claim of IDR 87.6 billion and the Palu & Donggala earthquake amounted to Rp. 196.7 billion.

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09 Jan 2019


End of Year Prayers and Donations from the Ministry of Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises

Representatives of Indonesia Re Millennials attended the End of Year Prayers and Donation at the KBUMN Ar-Rayyan Mosque, Monday 31 December 2018. The event was attended by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Mrs. Rini Soemarno, as well as Ust. Nasaruddin Umar who presented a lecture on self-evaluation (muhasabah) and muraqabah.

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31 Dec 2018


Indonesia Re prepares its employees for the era of disruption

Jakarta (Antaranews) - The era of disruption is slowly creeping into all aspects of human life, including the corporate sector, which is one of the most affected. All stakeholders are required to adapt if they do not want to be eliminated from the competition and growth in the industry.

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26 Dec 2018


Perayaan Natal 2018 Indonesia Re Group

Peringatan Natal 2018, Dirut Indonesia Re: Pertebal iman guna perkuat kerukunan

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26 Dec 2018


Contending state duties, Indonesia Re provides scholarships and housing assistance

Jakarta (Antara News) – Indonesia Re offers scholarships to the children of their employees, as well as funding assistance for employee housing, as part of the company's Community Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program, as well as a series of activities to embody the slogan BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri or State-Owned Enterprises for the country.

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14 Dec 2018


Welcoming its 33rd Anniversary, Indonesia Re is Ready to Increase its Contribution to the Nation

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - In commemoration of the 33rd anniversary which falls on November 30, 2018, the reinsurance state-owned company, Indonesia Re, is committed to continuing to increase its contribution to the nation, especially through the reinsurance sector.

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04 Dec 2018


Commemoration of Hero Day 2018

Jakarta-- In commemoration of Hero Day every November 10, the Board of Directors and all employees of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) held a flag ceremony at the Indonesia Re Building, Salemba Raya 30 Jakarta on Monday (12/11).

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12 Nov 2018


Reinsurance Record Claims for the Lombok-Palu Earthquake of IDR 65 billion

Nusa Dua (Antaranews Bali) - PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) recorded that the number of claims by general insurance companies whose customers were affected by the earthquake in Lombok, NTB and Palu, Central Sulawesi has reached around IDR 65 billion.

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29 Oct 2018

Galeri Video

03 June 2024

Lebih Paham Dunia Reasuransi dan Peran Pentingnya di Industri Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia

03 June 2024

Edukasi Reasuransi: KPK Sambangi Indonesia Re Ada Apa Sih?!

06 May 2024

ReInpodcast Edukasi Reasuransi Terkini - Eps 9: Mengupas Fungsi Aktuaria di Industri Asuransi

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05 January 2024

ReINFOKUS Edisi September 2023

21 October 2022

ReInfokus Edisi September 2022

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