
Final Match of Indonesia Re - PGAI Match Play 2017

Bogor, February 21st, 2017. The golf competition between insurance companies all over Indonesia who are members of the Indonesian Golf Insurance Association (PGAI), titled "Indonesia Re - PGAI Match Play 2017" has officially ended. The competition started on January 17th and participated by 32 participants from insurance companies and insurance brokers.

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22 Feb 2017


Indonesia Re - PGAI Match Play 2017

Jakarta, January 17 2017. PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) in collaboration with the Indonesian Insurance Golf Association, held a golf competition entitled Indonesia Re - PGAI Match play 2017. This event was participated by 32 of the best players from PGAI who had passed the previous selection. The match which uses the knockout system will run until February 21, 2017.

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17 Jan 2017


Signing of the MoU between Indonesia Re and the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia

In order to strengthen Indonesia Re's position as a state-owned national reinsurance company and to anticipate the legal problems it will face, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) collaborates with the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia in handling problems that may occur in the field of civil law and state administration.

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21 Dec 2016


Change in the Composition of the Board of Directors and Commissioners of ReINDO Syariah

Jakarta, 19 December 2016. Located in the Garuda Room of Indonesia Re building, Salemba Raya Road No 30 Central Jakarta, a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) was held regarding changes in the composition of the board of directors and commissioners of PT Reasuransi Syariah Indonesia which is a subsidiary of Indonesia Re. In the GMS, the shareholders decided to appoint A Sya'roni as the President director, Syafrizal as the director, Nod A. Rachman as the Board of Directors.

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19 Dec 2016


Tumpeng Ceremony for Indonesia Re's 31st Anniversary

Jakarta, 30 November 2016 Indonesia Re turns 31 years old. An age that is mature enough to continue to make achievements for the advancement of the nation. One of the goals and aspirations of Indonesia Re in the next 4 years is to become the largest in Southeast Asia. This is a historical requirement that we must carry out. Those are the remarks by the President Director of Indonesia Re, Frans Y Sahusilawane, at the tumpeng ceremony of Indonesia Re’s 21st anniversary.

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01 Dec 2016


Replacement of Directors and Commissioners of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia (a subsidiary of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero)

Located in the Garuda Room Indonesia Re Building, Salemba Raya 30 on 17 November 2016, a General Meeting of Shareholders was held to replace the Directors and Commissioners of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia as stated in the Decree of All Shareholders of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia No: 0099/65. HK.01.01 / 00 / Indonesia Re / 11/2016 and No: 003 / SKU-ASEI / 11/2016 Regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia.

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21 Nov 2016


Indonesia Re Grand Launch

The Indonesian Government's program to achieve economic independence in the Reinsurance sector actually started 62 years ago with the establishment of PT Reinsurance General Indonesia/ RUI or UmumRe at the end of 1954 to overcome the balance of payment burden from the large flow of reinsurance premiums abroad. Experience in many countries shows that having a large national reinsurance company is a must so that the national insurance industry can grow healthier and be able to function as one of the main pillars of economic development.

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11 Oct 2016


General Lecture of the President Commissioner of IndonesiRe

Ternate - Regarding the completion of merging two national Reinsurance companies, PT Reasuransi Umum Indonesia (Persero) into PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) at the end of December 2015, there is no longer any reason for the Indonesian reinsurance industry to progress and develop.

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23 Aug 2016


President Director of Indonesia Re Teaches Students of SMKN 1 Mamuju

President Director of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama, Frans Y. Sahusilawane, teaches students of SMK Negeri I Rangas Mamuju, West Sulawesi in a series of the BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri Program.

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23 Aug 2016

Galeri Video

03 June 2024

Lebih Paham Dunia Reasuransi dan Peran Pentingnya di Industri Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia

03 June 2024

Edukasi Reasuransi: KPK Sambangi Indonesia Re Ada Apa Sih?!

06 May 2024

ReInpodcast Edukasi Reasuransi Terkini - Eps 9: Mengupas Fungsi Aktuaria di Industri Asuransi

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05 January 2024

ReINFOKUS Edisi September 2023

21 October 2022

ReInfokus Edisi September 2022

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