05 June 2017 2064

The President Director of Indonesia Re Revives the Spirit of Pancasila

JAKARTA- Pancasila, as the foundation of the national state, has strong national philosophy of life values. Therefore, this nation should inherit the values ??of Pancasila in everyday life. But unfortunately, that legacy is fading away.

Due to this condition, President Director of Indonesia Re, Frans Y Sahusilawane, feels worried about the decline in national values ??in today's life.



"We cannot deny that globalization and humanistic ideas have greatly affected the level of our national life. There is even a radical understanding that is developing in society. This is very concerning," he said in Jakarta, Friday (2/6).

Therefore, this nation should not be influenced by these understandings. "We have to revive the teachings of Pancasila, especially among the younger generation, so that it will grow more rapidly for future generations," Frans said.

According to Frans, it is appropriate for the teachings of Pancasila to be echoed again at the basic education level. That way, future generations of children will not be easily infiltrated by ideas that are not in accordance with the Pancasila philosophy of life. "I am amazed by Gus Dur's words stating that we were born in Indonesia, only then will we know what our religion is, and so on," he said.

Frans also said that the value of diversity contained in Pancasila should make all Indonesian citizens proud to be the Indonesian nation. No longer feel different from one tribe to another. "That way we don't need to feel inferior when dealing with other nations such as France, Germany, England or America," he said.

For Frans, the spirit of nationalism with the Pancasila philosophy will still be ignited in Indonesia Re so that employees will continue to have morale in accordance with the country's basic philosophy of Pancasila. "The hope is that Pancasila will remain in the heart of each employee at Indonesia Re," he said.