04 October 2019 2168

Indonesia Re Launches Indonesia Re Institute

Jakarta (ANTARA) -- Supporting the betterment of the national insurance industry, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) or Indonesia Re launches Indonesia Re Institute, a research and training unit.
Putri Eka Sukmawati Sjarief, Development, Risk Management and Compliance Director of Indonesia Re stated that the presence of Indonesia Re Institute is aligned with the company’s mission, to improve the knowledge and innovating capabilities of national insurance and reinsurance industry.
“It emerged from the shared responsibility to reform and improve insurance practical standard, insurance risk management, and to explore the opportunities to expand insurance products to fulfill the needs of all stakeholders in the insurance industry,” Eka explained at the Indonesia Re Institute launching ceremony.
Indonesia Re, appointed by the government as National Reinsurance Company (NRC), was aimed to be in the front line in developing a healthy and growing insurance and reinsurance industry.
Eka stated that with the present of Indonesia Re, he, along with the industry will produce a comprehensive insurance risks scientific perspective that will support ceding companies and insurance recipients to understand the risk and manage it better. 
“We are determined to thrust and maintain high-standard insurance practice in this industry,” he added.
Amos Napitupulu, Head of Indonesia Re Institute, also added that the institute is planning to launch an internal cross-directorate research to produce breakthrough and new innovations in the organizational management, business, risk management and human capital.
“In the long run, we are committed to be the government trusted partner and become the industry referral in the development of the reinsurance industry and risk management,” he continued the explanation.
On the same occasion, Deputy Financial Services Business, Survey Services and Consulting Services for the Ministry of BUMN, Gatot Trihargo said that Indonesia Re Institute will strengthen the capabilities of domestic insurance agents.
“We hope Indonesia Re Institute will enhance the role of domestic insurance agents, so we can be the host in our own country,”