Jakarta (ANTARA) -- As a way to support the government in realizing school digitization program in 2021, state-owned corporation, Indonesia Re, provides support for educational facilities improvement to two Vocational High Schools in Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat, last Sunday.
Read MoreRapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia, tanggal 16 September 2013 telah menetapkan susunan direksi yang baru
Read MoreReINDO meraih penghargaan di ajang Insurance Award 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Harian Bisnis Indonesia
Read MoreFenomena yang disebut dengan ledakan debu atau dust explosion bisa dibayangkan secara sederhana dalam pengalaman kehidupan sehari-hari.
Read MoreThe massive spread of COVID-19 has a very significant impact on the world economy. Even though in the countries that were the earliest affected by COVID-19, such as China and South Korea, the increase of positive COVID-19 patients has started to show a decline, but in other countries, including Indonesia, this trend is still showing an increase.
Read MoreIt is only natural for us to know the layers of the earth as in Figure 1, but did you know that drilling can only penetrate a small part of the earth's crust? So how do we know the layers of the earth to the core of the earth? The answer is by seismic waves.
Read MoreKalimantan, which is always predicted to have an area that is not prone to earthquakes and is far from the ring of fire, makes it one of the factors that the state capital will move to one of the cities on the island. So back to the original question, "How come Kalimantan was hit by an earthquake?"
Read MoreThe energy sources used to generate electricity are quite diverse. In broad, these energy sources can be divided into two, energy sources from fossil fuels and renewable energy sources
Read MoreMenolak lupa, tahun 2018 lalu Indonesia telah diterpa oleh banyak kejadian katastropik, salah satunya ialah Gempa Bumi Donggala (28 September 2018). Gempa ini merupakan gempa berskala besar (M 7.4) dan menyebabkan tsunami.
Read MoreAs we all know, Lombok was hit by large earthquakes. Recorded on August 11th 2018 at 07.00 WIB, there were 521 aftershocks from the M 7.0 earthquake (August 5th 2018), and 21 of them were felt. As of August 12th 2018, 392 people had died.
Read MoreIn 5 years, this occupation has an average Loss Ratio of 60% and the biggest claim severity in the range of below IDR 20 billion. The smallest claim frequency was in 2015, though it has the greatest severity compared to other years. This confirms that the claims for occupation code 23005 are very volatile.
Read MoreProduk plastik injeksi sering kita jumpai di sekitar kita. Sparepart otomotif, perabotan rumah tangga, botol minuman, sedotan, dan perlengkapan industri atau rumah tangga lainnya merupakan barang-barang yang terbuat dari plastik. Tulisan ini khusus membahas proses produksi dan risiko di balik proses produksi barang-barang plastik, khususnya plastik injeksi (molding) untuk kepentingan industri asuransi
Read MoreAsuransi Rekayasa (Engineering Insurance) tentu saja merupakan bentuk asuransi yang sangat familiar di pasar Indonesia pada saat ini. Secara umum, perusahaan asuransi di Indonesia dapat menerima sebuah project rekayasa baik dalam bentuk kontruksi (Construction All Risk/CAR) maupun installasi (Erection All Risk / EAR).
Read MorePasar asuransi Harta Benda (Property) termasuk industri dengan volatilitas Loss Ratio cukup tinggi, artinya rasio klaim terhadap premi dapat berubah drastis dari kwartal satu hingga kwartal empat selama periode satu tahun.
Read MoreKertas karton (corrugated paper) menjadi bagian penting dalam dunia industri misalnya sebagai kotak pembungkus (kotak kardus) produk makanan atau minuman.
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