Jakarta (ANTARA) -- As a way to support the government in realizing school digitization program in 2021, state-owned corporation, Indonesia Re, provides support for educational facilities improvement to two Vocational High Schools in Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat, last Sunday.
Read MoreRapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia, tanggal 16 September 2013 telah menetapkan susunan direksi yang baru
Read MoreReINDO meraih penghargaan di ajang Insurance Award 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Harian Bisnis Indonesia
Read MorePresenter Indra Bekti diberitakan mengalami perdarahan otak, yang menyebabkannya kehilangan kesadaran di stasiun siaran radio. Keluarga dan rekan kerja Indra Bekti menyampaikan bahwa perdarahan yang dialami oleh Indra Bekti telah mencapai dan mempengaruhi batang otaknya, sehingga menyebabkan Indra Bekti masih mengalami beberapa ketidakmampuan bahkan setelah menjalani tindakan pembedahan.
Read MorePeningkatan kembali kasus Covid di dunia pada akhir-akhir ini diikuti oleh pemberitaan mengenai kemunculan varian baru SARS-CoV-2. Varian baru tersebut adalah BA.2.75 yang juga dikenal sebagai Varian Centaurus. Nah, apa sebenarnya Varian Centaurus ini, serta apakah yang membedakannya dengan Varian Omicron dan varian-varian lainnya?
Read MoreKemunculan dan peningkatan kasus Cacar Monyet di beberapa negara pada beberapa waktu ke belakang telah menimbulkan kegelisahan pada masyarakat di dunia.
Read MoreProgram vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia telah memasuki bulan ketiga di Maret 2021 ini. Tidak hanya Vaksin Sinovac, Vaksin AstraZeneca dikabarkan juga telah mendarat di Indonesia pada awal Maret ini. Namun sayangnya, kedatangan Vaksin AstraZeneca disusul oleh beberapa berita kurang mengenakkan tentang vaksin tersebut
Read MoreAt the end of 2019, the world was shocked by the virus that originated from Wuhan, China, known as COVID-19. The rapid spread of the virus to various countries has made this phenomenon hamper economic activity until the third quarter of 2020. This is due to the preventive measures taken by several countries to reduce positive cases of COVID-19 in their countries which will disrupt global economic activity. As a real impact of the disruption of economic activity caused by the spread of COVID-19, global economic growth has slowed down and a storm of the recession has occurred in various countries including Indonesia.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for more than 8 months in Indonesia. However, if we look at the number of additional new cases every day, it seems that we still have to be patient longing for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The addition of new cases is consistently at thousands every day, which seems to be dominated by the addition of new cases in big cities.
Read MoreNews regarding the readiness of the Indonesian government to immediately start the COVID-19 vaccination process for the wider community was welcomed by various groups. How could it not, it has been almost a year since the Indonesian people and people around the world have had to make major adjustments and restrictions on their lifestyle and activities that they have been doing.
Read MoreDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, a term called 'herd immunity' has emerged, which is predicted to be the solution to this pandemic. Herd immunity is not a new term in the world of health. Herd immunity, aka community immunity, was first introduced to the world by two microbiologists named William Topley and Graham Selby Wilson in 1923. These two scientists illustrated herd immunity as the immunity a group has against a disease, which is mostly caused by people in that group have immunity to the disease. In other words, the immunity that some people have can help protect others who do not have immunity.
Read MoreMany diseases, apart from afflicting humans, also attack animals. At the time of the COVID-19 outbreak, we especially those who have pets - of course, will wonder: can our pets also catch COVID-19?
Read MoreKanker lambung adalah keganasan yang menyerang lambung. Jenis kanker lambung yang paling umum terjadi adalah adenocarcinoma, yaitu kondisi ketika kanker menyerang sel-sel pada lapisan dalam lambung yang memproduksi cairan seperti lendir (mukus).
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