
Increasingly competitive, the Indonesia Re - PGAI Matchplay event produces new champions

Bogor (ANTARA) - The golf tournament for the Indonesian insurance industry, Re-PGAI Matchplay 2019, officially closed on Thursday (25/4) in Bogor, West Java. Increasingly competitive from year to year, this annual golf competition has given birth to a new rank of champions.

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29 Apr 2019


MARINE HULL INSURANCE: Underwriters’ integrity is essential in assessing ships’ seaworthiness

JAKARTA (ANTARA News) -- Underwriters are required to have integrity in assessing the seaworthiness of ships to minimize the risk of large insurance claims in the event of damage or even accidents once the ship has sailed.

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15 Apr 2019


Indonesia Re won the award for Big Corporate in the Best Stakeholder Relations Category

Indonesia Re won the award as Big Corporate in the category of Best Stakeholder Relations II at the 8th BUMN Award 2019 at The Ritz Carlton Jakarta, March 28th 2019. The 8th Anugerah BUMN 2019 Big Corporate Cup in the category of Best Stakeholder Relations II was received symbolically by Imam Bustomi,  Director of Finance & Human Resources of Indonesian Re.

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29 Mar 2019


Changing its tagline, Indonesia Re is committed to be a reliable reinsurance solution provider

Jakarta (ANTARA News) -- Bumn reinsurance, Indonesia Re, announced the change of the company tagline, from the previous 'Indonesia Leading Reinsurer' to 'Indonesia Re for Reinsurance Solutions'. This is driven by Indonesia Re's vision to be a reliable and credible solution provider for the country's insurance and reinsurance industry.

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29 Mar 2019


FINANCIAL INDUSTRY: New IKNB Rating Scheme (by Frans Sahusilawane)

The plan of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to impose a new rating scheme for the non-bank financial industry (IKNB), which is adopted as an adaptation of the risk-based bank rating, should be welcomed, especially in the context of the insurance industry.

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28 Mar 2019


2018, big loss reinsurance claims increased sharply

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, recorded a significant increase in reinsurance claims during 2018. This is generally due to a large number of natural disasters and public transportation accidents and also the impact of weak premium growth.

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15 Mar 2019


Indonesia Re and PGAI are ready to produce reliable golfers from the insurance industry

Bogor, West Java (Antara News) - State-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, is back in collaboration with the Indonesian Golf Insurance Association (PGAI) ready to produce talented golfers from the insurance industry by organizing the largest insurance industry golf competition in the country, Indonesia Re - PGAI Matchplay 2019, which was held in Bogor, which runs from March 5 to April 11, 2019, in Bogor, West Java.  

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15 Mar 2019


Indonesia Re Technical Director Gathering 2019

(Jakarta, 12/3) Indonesia Re held its annual event, Indonesia Re Technical Director Gathering 2019, with the theme "2018 Claim Profile & Underwriting Guidelines 2019" at The Westin Hotel, Jakarta. Re Kocu A Hutagalung, Indonesia Re's Operational Engineering Director, welcomed participants and delivered a speech at the event.

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15 Mar 2019


PRESS RELEASE MINISTRY OF SOEs Minister Rini: SOEs Are Getting Stronger and Stronger to Serve the Country

JAKARTA, March 6, 2019 - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rini Soemarno revealed that the current state of BUMN is getting stronger and stronger as performance continues to grow. This is reflected in the BUMN performance reports throughout 2018. Where assets, profits, equity, capital expenditures (capex) to contributions to the state budget in the form of taxes, PNBP, and dividends also increased significantly.

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06 Mar 2019

Galeri Video

03 June 2024

Lebih Paham Dunia Reasuransi dan Peran Pentingnya di Industri Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia

03 June 2024

Edukasi Reasuransi: KPK Sambangi Indonesia Re Ada Apa Sih?!

06 May 2024

ReInpodcast Edukasi Reasuransi Terkini - Eps 9: Mengupas Fungsi Aktuaria di Industri Asuransi

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05 January 2024

ReINFOKUS Edisi September 2023

21 October 2022

ReInfokus Edisi September 2022

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