Fighting Covid-19 together, Indonesia Re donated hundreds of PPE to a number of hospitals

Supporting efforts to fight the Covid-19 outbreak in the country, state-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, contributed to donating 500 units of personal protective equipment (PPE) and four units of rapid disinfectant booths (BDC) to a number of hospitals in Jakarta and Bogor. Corporate Secretary Indonesian Re, Mardian Adhitya, stated that the delivery of PPE and BDC will be carried out in several stages from April 16 to April 25 2020.

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13 Jul 2020


Indonesia Re Awakens Spirit of Sharing on its 34th Anniversary 

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Welcoming its 34th anniversary on November 30th, the reinsurance state-owned company, Indonesia Re, evokes the spirit of sharing in all its employees through a blood donation event held at Indonesia Re's head office in Jakarta.

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13 Jul 2020


Indonesia Re encourages the spirit of sharing on Heroes' Day

Jakarta (ANTARA) - In welcoming Heroes' Day which falls every November 10th, Indonesia Re organizes social service activities with veterans of the Republic of Indonesia freedom fighters who are members of the Indonesian Veterans Defects Corps (KCVRI).

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13 Jul 2020


Indonesia Re, educated Gorontalo students of BUMN (State-Owned Corporation) functions

Gorontalo (ANTARA) - Indonesia Re, reinsurance state-owned enterprise (BUMN), educated students in SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo about the role and responsibility of BUMN.

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13 Jul 2020


Indonesia Re Supports Educational Facilities in Gorontalo

Gorontalo (ANTARA) - State-Owned Enterprise, Indonesia Re donates educational support to SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo to ensure better the teaching and learning process.

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13 Jul 2020


Public Appreciation for Indonesia Re’s Environment Program

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The people of Panggang Island, Kepulauan Seribu, appreciate the environmental activities carried out by, Indonesia Re, in order to help maintain the conservation of marine ecosystems and biota in them.

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13 Jul 2020


Supporting the nature conservation of the Thousand Islands, Indonesia Re plants mangroves and transplant coral reefs

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, held an environmental activity with the theme "Indonesia Re Cares for the Environment" which was held on Panggang Island, Thousand Islands, Saturday, July 13th 2019.

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13 Jul 2020


BUMN MUDIK: Indonesia Re send 500 travelers to their home towns

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The state-owned reinsurance company, Indonesia Re, officially released the departure of travelers at the 2019 SOE Homecoming Together event at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Thursday.

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13 Jul 2020


Indonesia Re repairing the Kepulauan Seribu marine ecosystem

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - As a form of concern for efforts to conserve nature and the environment, state-owned reinsurance company Indonesia Re has implemented a marine ecosystem improvement program on Pramuka Island and Panggang Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta.

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13 Jul 2020

Galeri Video

03 June 2024

Lebih Paham Dunia Reasuransi dan Peran Pentingnya di Industri Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia

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Edukasi Reasuransi: KPK Sambangi Indonesia Re Ada Apa Sih?!

06 May 2024

ReInpodcast Edukasi Reasuransi Terkini - Eps 9: Mengupas Fungsi Aktuaria di Industri Asuransi

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05 January 2024

ReINFOKUS Edisi September 2023

21 October 2022

ReInfokus Edisi September 2022

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