The title of the article may sound too much, ambitious and emotional. But calm down, this article is not clickbait. To tell you the truth, global warming is a nightmare.
Read MoreChloroquine is not a new drug that is made or presently known in the world. For more than 70 years, chloroquine has been used in various parts of the world to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
Read MoreAt the end of 2019, the world was shocked by the virus that originated from Wuhan, China, known as COVID-19. The rapid spread of the virus to various countries has made this phenomenon hamper economic activity until the third quarter of 2020. This is due to the preventive measures taken by several countries to reduce positive cases of COVID-19 in their countries which will disrupt global economic activity. As a real impact of the disruption of economic activity caused by the spread of COVID-19, global economic growth has slowed down and a storm of the recession has occurred in various countries including Indonesia.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for more than 8 months in Indonesia. However, if we look at the number of additional new cases every day, it seems that we still have to be patient longing for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The addition of new cases is consistently at thousands every day, which seems to be dominated by the addition of new cases in big cities.
Read MoreAt the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all parties argued that traveling by airplane was a super spreading event, where the risk of COVID-19 transmission between passengers can be very high.
Read MoreSobat Reas, tentu sudah sangat familiar dengan istilah Sample maupun Sampling. Bahkan tentu kita sangat sering melakukan kegiatan sampling untuk olah data sehari-hari. Misalnya menghitung loss ratio produk dari tahun ke tahun, atau analisa experience produk dengan sample data klaim tertanggung dan masih banyak lagi. Namun, sebenarnya apakah yang dimaksud dengan sample itu? Dan bagaimana seharusnya kita melakukan sampling agar data yang kita olah benar-benar menggambarkan kondisi populasi?
Read MorePada artikel sebelumnya, telah dijelaskan bagaimana Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy menentukan extra mortality yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan penentuan premi, sekaligus mengatasi beberapa masalah yang terjadi pada sistem numeris. Pada artikel kali ini, pembahasan tersebut akan dilanjutkan lebih jauh lagi hingga didapatkan suatu model yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan Klasifikasi Risiko atas suatu pertanggungan asuransi.
Read MoreNews regarding the readiness of the Indonesian government to immediately start the COVID-19 vaccination process for the wider community was welcomed by various groups. How could it not, it has been almost a year since the Indonesian people and people around the world have had to make major adjustments and restrictions on their lifestyle and activities that they have been doing.
Read MoreThe terminology of burglary and/or housebreaking is defined as theft, which involves the activity of 'getting in' or 'going out' of the insured's premise accompanied by coercion and the presence of signs of damage (forcible and violent). It can also be accompanied by acts of abuse/assault/violence or threats against the insured, the insured's employees, or their family members.
Read MoreThe construction and installation project is a job that requires detailed preparation and execution with high accuracy. Small mistakes, both in the design phase, construction phase, and material selection, are very likely to cause major failure in the construction project.
Read MoreA big question arises, why do we need to understand how towing is calculated? What actually happens in the towing operations that are currently being run in Indonesian waters?
Read MoreBanyak negara menerapkan kebijakan lockdown untuk memberhentikan penyebaran COVID19 yang berdampak pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia juga menjadi melambat. Perlambatan ekonomi inilah yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan apa yang sedang menjadi buzzword di media perbincangan ekonomi global, yakni resesi.
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