Pada situasi pandemik COVID-19 ini, selain obat untuk menyembuhkan COVID-19, vaksin untuk mencegah kejadian COVID-19 di masa mendatang juga merupakan hal yang paling ditunggu-tunggu keberadaannya.
Read MorePada Februari 2020 lalu, dunia kesehatan Singapura menemukan dua kasus yang unik, di mana dua kasus yang sebenarnya adalah kasus COVID-19 terdiagnosis sebagai kasus demam dengue.
Read MoreIn the previous article, we explained how important it is to buy a P&I policy for shipping companies, especially in this Covid-19 outbreak. This policy generally provides protection for ship owners, ship operators and charterers for any losses arising from third party claims due to ship operations.
Read MoreQuoting from the previous article, COVID-19 had a major impact on the Shipping Industry. About 100 more international shipping routes have been cancelled due to COVID-19.
Read MoreDengan adanya pandemi COVID-19 ini, Presiden Republik Indonesia telah memberikan himbauan untuk melakukan physical distancing dengan “Kerja dari Rumah, Belajar dari Rumah, Ibadah di Rumah”.
Read MoreThe massive spread of COVID-19 has a very significant impact on the world economy. Even though in the countries that were the earliest affected by COVID-19, such as China and South Korea, the increase of positive COVID-19 patients has started to show a decline, but in other countries, including Indonesia, this trend is still showing an increase.
Read MoreSince the Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified a new virus named novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on January 7th 2020. Until March 11th 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 (Novel corona disease) a pandemic, for what happened at this time we should be aware of the spread and impact of the corona virus. The impact of this virus is very large, not only on health, but also on financial and social impacts as a whole.
Read MoreKembali lagi dengan topik COVID-19 yang sedang –dan selalu- paling ‘panas’ terutama di beberapa minggu terakhir, ya. Kali ini, kita akan membahas beberapa informasi tentang COVID-19 yang beredar di masyarakat. Apakah itu fakta atau sekedar mitos, yuk, kita bahas bersama...
Read MoreThere are 4 common methods to install pipeline in offshore area: S-Lay, J-Lay, Reel-Lay, and Towed system.
Read MoreDi musim hujan seperti ini, ular tak luput menjadi salah satu trending topic di Indonesia. Pasalnya, seiring dengan datangnya musim hujan, banyak berita terkait kemunculan ular di pemukiman warga.
Read MoreGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) merupakan penyakit yang sedang ‘populer’ akhir-akhir ini. Penyakit ini sedang sering dijadikan ‘kambing hitam’ atas kematian mendadak yang terjadi pada seseorang. Sebenarnya, apa sih penyakit GERD itu?
Read MoreGeothermal Power Plant is a power plant that uses geothermal energy as its energy source. Electricity from geothermal power is currently used in 24 countries, while geothermal heating is used in 70 countries.
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